7 Things You Need To Know About Invisalign Braces

February 13, 2023

If you’re looking for a way to straighten your teeth without surgery or wires, Invisalign braces might be the right solution for you. These clear, removable aligners are made of plastic and come in sets of several different sizes. Each one is designed to fit over the teeth and slowly move them into place as it’s worn over time. Here are some things about Invisalign braces that you should know about before deciding whether this treatment method is right for you:

Invisalign braces are made of clear plastic.

Invisalign braces are made of clear plastic. You can’t see them when you smile and they’re removable, so don’t worry about being embarrassed by your orthodontic headgear.

They’re removable.

Invisalign braces can be taken out to eat and clean, but you’ll need to remove them for brushing and flossing. You also won’t want to wear them while exercising or swimming, as the metal in the aligners may rust or corrode if exposed to moisture for long periods of time.

Invisalign can help straighten your teeth without surgery or wires.

Invisalign is a system of clear plastic aligners that can be removed. These aligners are used to straighten teeth without surgery or wires. The length of time it takes for you to get your braces on will depend on your case, but generally speaking, it takes about two weeks for Invisalign to work its magic on straightening teeth.

How long it takes to get your braces on will depend on your case.

Invisalign braces can be put on in as little as a few weeks, but it’s not uncommon for the process to take a few months. The dentist will let you know how long it will take, but it depends on how quickly your teeth move. If they move fast and easily, then Invisalign should be able to get them aligned within the first couple of months.

If they don’t move as fast or easily though (which isn’t unusual), then getting them straightened out might take longer than usual–sometimes up to six or seven months before everything is perfectly aligned!

You don’t need to remove your brackets when eating.

  • You can eat and drink with your braces on.
  • There are some exceptions to this rule, but for the most part you’ll be fine eating with your aligners in place. Of course, if you have a piece of popcorn stuck between two of your brackets or something like that, it’s probably best to remove them before trying to dislodge it yourself–you don’t want any accidents! In general though, this is not something that needs to be done very often at all.
  • You should always remove them before brushing your teeth (and flossing). Apart from being uncomfortable when brushing against an aligner while trying not to clog up the sink drain with toothpaste foam everywhere (I’ve done this), there are also potential health risks involved if bacteria gets into an open space between two teeth where there shouldn’t really be any food particles left behind after eating anyway…and we all know how gross dental infections can get! So make sure you take off those braces before cleaning up after breakfast/lunch/dinner/snacks etc.

Your dentist will make regular adjustments as you go along.

Your dentist will make regular adjustments as you go along. This is to ensure that your teeth are moving in the right direction and not getting stuck anywhere along the way. It’s important to remember that Invisalign is a process, and it takes time for your teeth to move into place. You need patience and follow instructions from your dentist.

You can floss between your teeth, brush and use mouthwash like normal with Invisalign braces.

You can floss between your teeth, brush and use mouthwash like normal with Invisalign braces.

To floss: Use a regular floss threader to slide in between each tooth and gently pull it through. If you have trouble reaching some spots, try wrapping the floss around your finger and then pulling it through those tight spaces (this is called “tensioning”). This will help get any food particles out from underneath your aligners or brackets before they become stuck there permanently!

To brush: Instead of using an electric toothbrush or even a manual one with traditional bristles–which could damage the plastic aligners, it’s best to stick with an ADA-approved soft bristle brush like Colgate Total Advanced Whitening Mouthwash Rinse. They’re designed specifically for use on sensitive gums and won’t cause any damage to your Invisalign braces’ surface area while also providing thorough cleaning action so that plaque doesn’t build up between each tooth over time.

If you’re interested in getting braces, there are some things about this option you should know about before deciding whether or not it’s right for you

Invisalign is a type of orthodontic treatment that uses clear plastic aligners to straighten your teeth. The aligners are removable and don’t require any surgery or wires, which makes them great for adults who want to improve their smile without having to make major changes to their lifestyle.

Invisalign has been around since 1997, but it’s still relatively new compared with traditional braces. If you’re looking into getting Invisalign braces, here are some things you should know:


Invisalign braces are a great option for people who want to straighten their teeth without having surgery or wires. If you’re interested in getting Invisalign, there are some things about this option you should know before deciding whether or not it’s right for you.