Dentures in Portage Park

“You’re like a set of false teeth, I can’t smile without you”

A denture is a removable (most often) prosthetic device that is used to replace 1 or more missing teeth. A denture can be complete or partial. A partial denture is used when only some of the teeth are missing and a complete denture is used when all the teeth are missing.

What to expect

Making dentures usually takes about 5-6 appointments.  We take impressions, due measurements, trying esthetics, function and phonetics for the final delivery.  Dentures often take time to get used to as well as several adjustments due to sore spots as your tissue adapts to it.  We strongly recommend adding implants to help retain full dentures.  We are happy to go over any questions you may have, as well as the care of your dentures for the years to come.

Learn More about Dentures

On this page, Dr. Lyuda goes through the different types of dentures available and when they are used.

Different Types of Dentures

Dr. Lyuda discusses and shows the different types of dentures that are available ranging from different types of partial dentures to implant supported complete overdentures (either fixed or removable). There are different pros and cons of each and during a consultation, we discuss what type of denture is best for your situation

Dentures Case Study

In this video, Dr. Lyuda discusses the case of a woman in her 70s that had lost all her teeth and needed a complete denture to replace all her missing teeth.